{ links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "The JSON representation of the list of layers (collections) part of vtp/Daraa3", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "The ECON representation of the list of layers (collections) part of vtp/Daraa3", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "The HTML representation of the list of layers (collections) part of vtp/Daraa3", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3" }, { rel = "service-desc", type = "application/json", title = "The JSON OpenAPI 3.0 document that describes the API offered at this endpoint (currently Missing in Action)", href = "/geoapi/api?f=json" }, { rel = "service-doc", type = "text/html", title = "The HTML documentation of the API offered at this endpoint (currently Missing in Action)", href = "/geoapi/api?f=html" }, { rel = "conformance", type = "application/json", title = "The JSON representation of the conformance declaration for this server listing the requirement classes implemented by this server (currently Missing in Action)", href = "/geoapi/conformance" }, { rel = "tiling-schemes", type = "application/json", title = "The list of supported tiling schemes (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/tileMatrixSets?f=json" }, { rel = "tiling-schemes", type = "text/plain", title = "The list of supported tiling schemes (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/tileMatrixSets?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiling-schemes", type = "text/html", title = "The list of supported tiling schemes (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/tileMatrixSets" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa3 (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa3 (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa3 (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Available styles for Daraa3 (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/styles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Available styles for Daraa3 (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Available styles for Daraa3 (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/styles?f=econ" } ], collections = [ { links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the Daraa3 data (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the Daraa3 data (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the Daraa3 data (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the Daraa3 data (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Daraa3 (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/items.mvt" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa3 (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa3 (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa3 (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for Daraa3 (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Available styles for Daraa3 (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/styles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Available styles for Daraa3 (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Available styles for Daraa3 (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/styles?f=econ" } ], id = "vtp/Daraa3", title = "Daraa3", extent = { spatial = { bbox = [ [ 34.8999166666667, 31.8990833333333, 37.1009166666667, 33.1000833333333 ] ] } }, crs = [ "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" ], layerDataType = "Multi", scaleDenominator = 4265.4591676995678 }, { links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the StoragePnt data (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the StoragePnt data (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the StoragePnt data (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the StoragePnt data (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "application/json", title = "Queryables (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/queryables?f=json" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/plain", title = "Queryables (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/queryables?f=econ" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/xml", title = "Queryables (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/queryables?f=xsd" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/html", title = "Queryables (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/queryables?f=html" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "application/json", title = "Data attributes (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/schema?f=json" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/plain", title = "Data attributes (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/schema?f=econ" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/xml", title = "Data attributes (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/schema?f=xsd" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/html", title = "Data attributes (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/schema?f=html" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/geo+json", title = "StoragePnt (as GeoJSON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "StoragePnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "StoragePnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "StoragePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "StoragePnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for StoragePnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for StoragePnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for StoragePnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for StoragePnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for StoragePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for StoragePnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for StoragePnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "Tiles for StoragePnt (as GML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gml", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/mapml", title = "Tiles for StoragePnt (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mapml", templated = true }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Available styles for StoragePnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/styles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Available styles for StoragePnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Available styles for StoragePnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt/styles?f=econ" } ], id = "vtp/Daraa3/StoragePnt", title = "StoragePnt", extent = { spatial = { bbox = [ [ 36.0705121720001, 32.600958495, 36.1165547420001, 32.6479290550001 ] ] } }, crs = [ "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" ], layerDataType = "Vector", vectorType = "Points", scaleDenominator = 4265.4591676995678 }, { links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the RecreationPnt data (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the RecreationPnt data (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the RecreationPnt data (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the RecreationPnt data (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "application/json", title = "Queryables (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/queryables?f=json" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/plain", title = "Queryables (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/queryables?f=econ" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/xml", title = "Queryables (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/queryables?f=xsd" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/html", title = "Queryables (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/queryables?f=html" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "application/json", title = "Data attributes (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/schema?f=json" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/plain", title = "Data attributes (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/schema?f=econ" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/xml", title = "Data attributes (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/schema?f=xsd" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/html", title = "Data attributes (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/schema?f=html" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/geo+json", title = "RecreationPnt (as GeoJSON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "RecreationPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "RecreationPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "RecreationPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "RecreationPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for RecreationPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for RecreationPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for RecreationPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for RecreationPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for RecreationPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for RecreationPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for RecreationPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "Tiles for RecreationPnt (as GML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gml", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/mapml", title = "Tiles for RecreationPnt (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mapml", templated = true }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Available styles for RecreationPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/styles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Available styles for RecreationPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Available styles for RecreationPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt/styles?f=econ" } ], id = "vtp/Daraa3/RecreationPnt", title = "RecreationPnt", extent = { spatial = { bbox = [ [ 36.1115142670001, 32.6471047860001, 36.112066821, 32.6472808730001 ] ] } }, crs = [ "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" ], layerDataType = "Vector", vectorType = "Points", scaleDenominator = 4265.4591676995678 }, { links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the AgriculturePnt data (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the AgriculturePnt data (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the AgriculturePnt data (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the AgriculturePnt data (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "application/json", title = "Queryables (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/queryables?f=json" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/plain", title = "Queryables (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/queryables?f=econ" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/xml", title = "Queryables (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/queryables?f=xsd" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/html", title = "Queryables (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/queryables?f=html" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "application/json", title = "Data attributes (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/schema?f=json" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/plain", title = "Data attributes (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/schema?f=econ" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/xml", title = "Data attributes (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/schema?f=xsd" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/html", title = "Data attributes (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/schema?f=html" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/geo+json", title = "AgriculturePnt (as GeoJSON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "AgriculturePnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "AgriculturePnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "AgriculturePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "AgriculturePnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for AgriculturePnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for AgriculturePnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for AgriculturePnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for AgriculturePnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for AgriculturePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for AgriculturePnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for AgriculturePnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgriculturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "TransportationGroundCrv (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "TransportationGroundCrv (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "TransportationGroundCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "TransportationGroundCrv (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundCrv (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundCrv (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundCrv (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundCrv (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundCrv (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundCrv (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "SettlementSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "SettlementSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "SettlementSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "SettlementSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for SettlementSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for SettlementSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for SettlementSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for SettlementSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for SettlementSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for SettlementSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for SettlementSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "SettlementPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "SettlementPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "SettlementPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "SettlementPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for SettlementPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for SettlementPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for SettlementPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for SettlementPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for SettlementPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for SettlementPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for SettlementPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "Tiles for SettlementPnt (as GML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gml", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/mapml", title = "Tiles for SettlementPnt (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mapml", templated = true }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Available styles for SettlementPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/styles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Available styles for SettlementPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Available styles for SettlementPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt/styles?f=econ" } ], id = "vtp/Daraa3/SettlementPnt", title = "SettlementPnt", extent = { spatial = { bbox = [ [ 36.077782708, 32.596111106, 36.1608333030001, 32.64148592 ] ] } }, crs = [ "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" ], layerDataType = "Vector", vectorType = "Points", scaleDenominator = 4265.4591676995678 }, { links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the buildings data (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the buildings data (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the buildings data (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the buildings data (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "application/json", title = "Queryables (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/queryables?f=json" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/plain", title = "Queryables (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/queryables?f=econ" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/xml", title = "Queryables (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/queryables?f=xsd" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/html", title = "Queryables (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/queryables?f=html" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "application/json", title = "Data attributes (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/schema?f=json" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/plain", title = "Data attributes (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/schema?f=econ" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/xml", title = "Data attributes (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/schema?f=xsd" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/html", title = "Data attributes (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/schema?f=html" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/geo+json", title = "buildings (as GeoJSON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "buildings (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "buildings (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "buildings (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "buildings (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for buildings (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for buildings (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for buildings (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for buildings (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for buildings (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for buildings (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for buildings (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/buildings/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Cemetery (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "Cemetery (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Cemetery (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "Cemetery (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for Cemetery (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for Cemetery (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for Cemetery (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for Cemetery (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for Cemetery (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for Cemetery (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for Cemetery (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Cemetery/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Place_of_Worship (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "Place_of_Worship (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Place_of_Worship (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "Place_of_Worship (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for Place_of_Worship (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for Place_of_Worship (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for Place_of_Worship (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for Place_of_Worship (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for Place_of_Worship (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for Place_of_Worship (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for Place_of_Worship (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Place_of_Worship/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "StructureSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "StructureSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "StructureSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "StructureSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for StructureSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for StructureSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for StructureSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for StructureSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for StructureSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for StructureSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for StructureSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "DamSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "DamSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "DamSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "DamSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for DamSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for DamSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for DamSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for DamSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for DamSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for DamSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for DamSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/DamSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Human_Health_Office (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "Human_Health_Office (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Human_Health_Office (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "Human_Health_Office (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for Human_Health_Office (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for Human_Health_Office (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for Human_Health_Office (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for Human_Health_Office (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for Human_Health_Office (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for Human_Health_Office (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for Human_Health_Office (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Human_Health_Office/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "CultureSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "CultureSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "CultureSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "CultureSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for CultureSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for CultureSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for CultureSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for CultureSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for CultureSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for CultureSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for CultureSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "FacilitySrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "FacilitySrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "FacilitySrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "FacilitySrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for FacilitySrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for FacilitySrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for FacilitySrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for FacilitySrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for FacilitySrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for FacilitySrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for FacilitySrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilitySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "TransportationGroundPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "TransportationGroundPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "TransportationGroundPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "TransportationGroundPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "CulturePnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "CulturePnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "CulturePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "CulturePnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for CulturePnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for CulturePnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for CulturePnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for CulturePnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for CulturePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for CulturePnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for CulturePnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/CulturePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/items.png" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa_DTED (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa_DTED (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for Daraa_DTED (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for Daraa_DTED (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "image/png", title = "Tiles for Daraa_DTED (as PNG)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.png", templated = true }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/html", title = "Available styles for Daraa_DTED (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/styles" }, { rel = "styles", type = "application/json", title = "Available styles for Daraa_DTED (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/styles?f=json" }, { rel = "styles", type = "text/plain", title = "Available styles for Daraa_DTED (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED/styles?f=econ" } ], id = "vtp/Daraa3/Daraa_DTED", title = "Daraa_DTED", extent = { spatial = { bbox = [ [ 34.8999166666667, 31.8990833333333, 37.1009166666667, 33.1000833333333 ] ] } }, crs = [ "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" ], layerDataType = "Coverage", scaleDenominator = 272989.3867327723419 }, { links = [ { rel = "alternate", type = "application/json", title = "Information about the MilitarySrf data (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf?f=json" }, { rel = "self", type = "text/plain", title = "Information about the MilitarySrf data (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf?f=econ" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/mapml", title = "Information about the MilitarySrf data (as MapML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf?f=mapml" }, { rel = "alternate", type = "text/html", title = "Information about the MilitarySrf data (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "application/json", title = "Queryables (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/queryables?f=json" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/plain", title = "Queryables (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/queryables?f=econ" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/xml", title = "Queryables (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/queryables?f=xsd" }, { rel = "queryables", type = "text/html", title = "Queryables (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/queryables?f=html" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "application/json", title = "Data attributes (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/schema?f=json" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/plain", title = "Data attributes (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/schema?f=econ" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/xml", title = "Data attributes (as XSD/WFS schema)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/schema?f=xsd" }, { rel = "describedBy", type = "text/html", title = "Data attributes (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/schema?f=html" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/geo+json", title = "MilitarySrf (as GeoJSON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "MilitarySrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "MilitarySrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "MilitarySrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "MilitarySrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for MilitarySrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for MilitarySrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for MilitarySrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for MilitarySrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for MilitarySrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for MilitarySrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for MilitarySrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/MilitarySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "RecreationSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "RecreationSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "RecreationSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "RecreationSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for RecreationSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for RecreationSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for RecreationSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for RecreationSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for RecreationSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for RecreationSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for RecreationSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/RecreationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "HydrographyCrv (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "HydrographyCrv (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "HydrographyCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "HydrographyCrv (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographyCrv (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographyCrv (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographyCrv (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for HydrographyCrv (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for HydrographyCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for HydrographyCrv (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for HydrographyCrv (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "AgricultureSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "AgricultureSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "AgricultureSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "AgricultureSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for AgricultureSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for AgricultureSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for AgricultureSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for AgricultureSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for AgricultureSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for AgricultureSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for AgricultureSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AgricultureSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "FacilityPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "FacilityPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "FacilityPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "FacilityPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for FacilityPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for FacilityPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for FacilityPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for FacilityPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for FacilityPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for FacilityPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for FacilityPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/FacilityPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "TransportationGroundSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "TransportationGroundSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "TransportationGroundSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "TransportationGroundSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for TransportationGroundSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for TransportationGroundSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/TransportationGroundSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "HydrographyPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "HydrographyPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "HydrographyPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "HydrographyPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographyPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographyPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographyPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for HydrographyPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for HydrographyPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for HydrographyPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for HydrographyPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographyPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "VegetationSrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "VegetationSrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "VegetationSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "VegetationSrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for VegetationSrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for VegetationSrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for VegetationSrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for VegetationSrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for VegetationSrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for VegetationSrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for VegetationSrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/VegetationSrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "InformationPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "InformationPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "InformationPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "InformationPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for InformationPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for InformationPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for InformationPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for InformationPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for InformationPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for InformationPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for InformationPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/InformationPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "StructureCrv (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "StructureCrv (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "StructureCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "StructureCrv (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for StructureCrv (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for StructureCrv (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for StructureCrv (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for StructureCrv (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for StructureCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for StructureCrv (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for StructureCrv (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "HydrographySrf (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "HydrographySrf (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "HydrographySrf (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "HydrographySrf (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographySrf (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographySrf (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for HydrographySrf (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for HydrographySrf (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for HydrographySrf (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for HydrographySrf (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for HydrographySrf (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/HydrographySrf/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructureCrv (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructureCrv/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "AeronauticPnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "AeronauticPnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "AeronauticPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "AeronauticPnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for AeronauticPnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for AeronauticPnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for AeronauticPnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for AeronauticPnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for AeronauticPnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for AeronauticPnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for AeronauticPnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/AeronauticPnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "StructurePnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "StructurePnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "StructurePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "StructurePnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for StructurePnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for StructurePnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for StructurePnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for StructurePnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for StructurePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for StructurePnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for StructurePnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/StructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/items.json" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as GeoECON; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/items.econ" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1", title = "UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as GML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/items.gml" }, { rel = "items", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tile; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/items.mvt" }, { rel = "items", type = "text/mapml", title = "UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as MapML; Note: requesting large extent may result in generalized data)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/items.mapml" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "application/json", title = "Tile-based interface for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as JSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles?f=json" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/plain", title = "Tile-based interface for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as ECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles?f=econ" }, { rel = "tiles", type = "text/html", title = "Tile-based interface for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as HTML)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles" }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.gnosis-map-tile", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as GNOSIS Map Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.gmt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as Mapbox Vector Tiles)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.mvt", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/vnd.geo+econ", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as GeoECON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.econ", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "application/geo+json", title = "Tiles for UtilityInfrastructurePnt (as GeoJSON)", href = "/geoapi/collections/vtp/Daraa3/UtilityInfrastructurePnt/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{tileMatrix}/{tileRow}/{tileCol}.json", templated = true }, { rel = "tile", type = "text/xml; 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